Old Salt’s 2012

By Skipper Jim West

After a 10 hour cruise to Redwood City from Rio Vista (by way of the fuel dock in San Francisco) the Tiki Too competed against crews from throughout Northern California in the 64th annual Old Salts Regatta..

The crew consisted of 4 senior girls, 2 second year girls and 9 girls in their first season. A number of parents were on hand to witness the results of 3 months of intense training.

The results:
Clipper Class Award

First Place in: Scuttlebutt with a time of 57 seconds (beating the next crew by ~4 seconds); Breeches Buoy with a time of 2 minutes 23 seconds (beating the Challenger by 12 seconds); Compass and Relative Bearings (tied with the Odyssey with a score of 100%); and Marlinspike (with 4 of the new crew achieving perfect scores and earning a marlinspike knife from Skipper).

Second Place in: Knots (because of an equipment issue, this really should have been a tie  for First Place with 100% with the Challenger and the Odyssey), Pullboat Flotilla Drill, Bosun's Chair, Crew Drill, Sailing ID, Piloting and Mariner Quiz.

Third Place in First Aid
Fourth Place in Sailing

These would be outstanding results for an experienced crew - for a crew with 9 new members it was nothing short of amazing.
Congrats to the whole crew and thanks to the ship's officers and supporters!


Ancient Mariner 2012


Ancient Mariner 2011